Download (3256.4)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [Address bar] When typing into the address bar and hitting enter quickly, some characters are dropped (VB-103404)
- [Address bar][Themes] Selection does not use themes highlight color (VB-92801)
- [Blocker] Center shield icon counter (VB-102044)
- [Calendar] Accepting invite for exception adds event in wrong calendar (VB-99422)
- [Calendar] Can not type space in Create Event dialog (VB-103530)
- [Calendar] Daily recurrence turns into monthly (VB-102190)
- [Calendar] Import dialog state incorrect after changing source (VB-97504)
- [Calendar] Stop polling while the client is offline (VB-103133)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 120.0.6099.278
- [Crash][Extensions] Follow up to crash fix with extension warnings (VB-103443)
- [Extensions] Prompt popup created by a extension shows ID instead of extension name (VB-43609)
- [Extensions][Themes] Light review button in dark extension dialog (VB-103599)
- [Guest Window] Give a dedicated favicon to the Guest Profile Introduction Page (VB-98688)
- [Linux][Fedora] Fix repository configuration and update package signature keys on systems where they are wrong or broken (VB-103496)
- [Mail] Attachments are lost from draft after restart (VB-103296)
- [Mail] Hide confusing “OR” option and fix keyboard focus issue (VB-103486)
- [Mail] Inline image shown as attachment after reopen from Drafts (VB-103437)
- [Mail] Only add NOT if the search is not empty, since otherwise it doesn’t work (VB-103487)
- [Mail] Search database migration error (VB-103504)
- [Menus] Customized context/menus get reset to default on upgrade (VB-103524)
- [Settings] When using the search-box the button “Manage sources” does not work (VB-92878)
- [Settings][Privacy] Display websites set to never save a password in Privacy settings (VB-52769)
- [Tabs] Created inside pinned stack can’t be closed (VB-103499)
- [Tabs] If you select multiple tab stacks and click unstack tabs (in the right click menu), it only unstacks the last selected tab stack (VB-101941)
- [Tabs] Page load progress not shown while awaiting receipt of first byte (VB-98838)
- [Tabs] Pinned tab settings are not respected (VB-103570)
- [Tabs][Commands] Various stack command issues (VB-103523)
- [Tasks][Calendar] Recurring tasks only shows one instance in panel (VB-101717)
- [Translate] Is not auto detecting language in some scenarios (VB-87659)
- [Translate] Use a newer/better translation server (VB-103503)
- [UI] Unify look of form elements (VB-103355)
- [Welcome Page] Empty state for importer when there are no other browsers detected (VB-103539)
- [macOS] Crash when scrolling horizontally in the developer tools window (VB-101337)
Main photo by Chan.