If you are now using the Omnibar based address field (the default), please check “Settings → Address bar → Address Field Priorities” and make sure that “Enable History” is switched on.
Known Issues
- [Address bar] “Type @history to search your browsing history” is sometimes shown but does not work (VB-114601)
- [Address bar] History results are not shown: due to faulty migration of the “Show Search queries in Typed History” setting (VB-112646)
Download (3621.3)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- 64-bit | ARM64 | ARM [*]
- [Address bar] Bookmark stops access to domain (VB-114555)
- [Address bar][Settings] Move Address Auto-Complete setting to Address Field options (VB-114616)
- [macOS] Clicking sync error button does nothing (VB-114578)
- [Mail] Blinking when switching mail folders (VB-113393)
- [Mail] Message list jumps to top when activating the mail tab (VB-114306)
- [Menus] Speed dial icons in the bookmark menu are inversed (VB-114599)
- [Menus] Custom context menu upgrade issues (VB-114613)
- [Notes] Address is cleared on click outside (VB-114544)
- [Settings] “Reset General Settings to Default” resets all the Welcome page onboarding settings (VB-114551)
- [Speed Dial][Dialogs] Add a quote at the bottom saying that we might earn affiliate commission (Under Review) (VB-114548)
- [SpeedDial][Dashboard] Bookmarks with no title don’t have fallback URL for title (VB-114621)
- [Windows][macOS] Widevine monitor does not display infobar to reload (VB-114609)
Main photo by Ruarí Ødegaard.